One could call me a Scientist, a Writer, or a Learner of all the spiritual traditions. For me, all religions and traditions are just the ways to come within. So one could also call me something beyond any tradition. For me Spirituality is not just an outsider thing, it is the only truth in this world that exists. Spirituality is not a medieval superstition nor spirituality mean to escape the bare realities of life.
I believe that to live a great life, there should be a balance in all four aspects, i.e. personal, professional, social, and spiritual life. The self-realization could not be attained just by the company of learned ones or by following some spiritual organization blindly or by book reading alone or by meditation or yoga techniques. Surprisingly hardly any spiritual guru can help anyone in realizing the Highest Truth. To achieve possible evolution or unity with God, the only possible route and means is the learning from your life experiences. Once we start to take experiences from every act done by us, we started to remain in a state of self-awareness. Self-awareness is the first step for originating the first question, who I am?
Once this question, who I am? started tickling in our mind the 75 percentage our journey for self-realization gets over. Now onwards our journey will be totally inwards.

“Nobody is ever happy, somebody is never happy”
- Ramesh Singh Pal

If we sit for an hour and analyze our-self, we will find that we live in this world with a personality. This word personality is taken from the word “persona”. Persona means the gain identity or the acquired identity that is not real. (पर्सनैलिटी का अर्थ है, ओढ़ा हुआ व्यक्तित्व, ओढ़ा हुआ मुखौटा। जो आप नहीं हैं, वैसा चेहरा।) Just for a minute, ask yourself, in you who is miserable? You will find only a build-up character like husband, wife, son, employee, boss, etc they are miserable. if we leave these identities for a minute, our all misery and painful experience automatically be gone. What we have done we have done nothing just we return to our intrinsic nature (अपना स्वरुप) from our extrinsic nature (अपना स्वभाव). In the deep sleep state, this only happens you live in your intrinsic nature that’s why we are in bliss in the deep sleep state.

आनंद तो यूं ही मिलता है; मुफ्त मिलता है; क्योंकि आनंद हमारा अपना स्वरुप है। दुख अर्जित करना पड़ता है। और दुख अर्जित करने का पहला नियम क्या है? दूसरे से सुख की मांग । जिस क्षण भी मैं अपने सुख के लिए किसी के भी पास जाता हूं -- चाहे वह पत्नि हो, चाहे वह पति हो, चाहे वह मित्र हो, चाहे वह वेश्या हो --- जब मैं किसी और के व्दार पर भिक्षा का पात्र लेकर खड़ा होता हूं, तभी दुःख हमें पकड़ना सुरु हो जाता है।, भले ही उस समय पता न चले क्यों कि बहुत बार एक ही बात दोहराने से, करने से, मजबूत यांत्रिक व्यवस्था हो जाती है। प्रत्येक बच्चा आनंद लेकर पैदा होता है; और बहुत कम बूढ़े हैं जो आनंद लेकर विदा होते हैं। जो आनंद लेकर विदा होते हैं उन्हीं को हम बुद्ध कहते हैं।
इसका मतलब जरूर कहीं हमारे जीवन की पूरी शिक्षण व्यवस्था भ्रांत है। हमें कुछ तो गलत सिखाया जा रहा है। हमें सुख पाने के लिए दौड़ सिखाई जा रही है। दौड़ो! ज्यादा धन होगा तो ज्यादा सुख होगा। ज्यादा बड़ा पद होगा तो ज्यादा सुख होगा। गलत हैं ये बातें। न धन से सुख होता है, न पद से सुख होता है। लेकिन मैं यह भी नहीं कह रहा हूं कि धन छोड़ दो या पद छोड़ दो। मैं इतना ही कह रहा हूं, इनसे सुख का कोई नाता नहीं। सुख तो होता है सावधानी पूर्वक जीवन जीने से, स्वयं में लौट आने से, अपने स्वरुप को जान लेने से।

“I thought people who were spiritual, are the one who has given up on this materialistic world (how childish I was?)”
“If you are rich then you can have your own choice of suffering, if you are poor you can’t even choose your suffering”
- Ramesh Singh Pal

But the question arises, How one can get the real bliss in his life by doing all his assigned duties.? How to make the spiritual journey simple and practicable.? Success is a journey from a wavering mind to a focused mind. This is a common complaint of the people that they want to meditate but can’t. I also hear the people say that they meditate but don’t find any results. Some of our old age friends ask us how to get fulfillment in life?. We have done so much for the family, society, and religion but still, there is an emptiness in life. How the purposes of life get fulfilled?
This blog sheds light on practical and sublime aspects of spirituality. This blog will give you a clearance about the fundamentals of life. Secrets to getting the mind disciple, Spiritual facts to live a balanced life, meditation for the daily life, scriptural wisdom from the Vedas and the Puranas, and other such stories awakening you to your innate glory. So that you will get back into your intrinsic nature (स्वरुप).
